Thursday, January 27, 2011

Alpin Hong Concert

Students, let me know if you would like to go and I will get you tickets.

Piano Teachers - Arts on Tour would like to offer area piano students the opportunity to see
Pianist Alpin Hong for the screaming price of $5!!
If you are interested, please let me know how many coupons for these tickets to send to you…

I have seen Alpin perform on several occasions, and not only is he an incredibly talented pianist, but he also has a unique way with young people. He connects with them and gets them very excited about classical music and the piano. I really want our students to get to take advantage of his performance.

Log onto the Arts on Tour website at to listen to Alpin

Alpin Hong
March 3 at 7:30 p.m.
CSI Fine Arts Auditorium
Whirlwind American tours and performances across the globe have earned pianist Alpin Hong the reputation as a modern day Pied Piper. Opening the ears, eyes and imaginations of hundreds of thousands of Americans, his combination of stunning technique, emotional range, and rare humor continues to bring audiences young and old to their feet. Indeed, the Santa Barbara News Press described Mr. Hong’s performance as “…a tour de force. Hong evoked a kind of Beatlemania when he came on stage. What a showman! What a musician!” Mr. Hong’s astonishing ability to connect to people of all ages, experiences, and backgrounds distinguishes him and shapes his evolving performance style. His extensive classical training, matched with his background in skateboarding, snowboarding, martial arts, and videogames, forms a creative force unmatched in its youthful vivacity and boundless energy. His tireless pursuit to find, inspire, and collaborate with talents in every community results in unforgettably magical presentations that simultaneously expand worlds yet hit close to home.
Visit Alpin’s website at to read more about him, his work with youth, and of course to watch and listen to him perform.

Ticket prices: $18 for adults and $13 for children.

Camille Barigar
Fine Arts Special Events Coordinator
CSI Fine Arts Center
PO Box 1238
Twin Falls, ID 83303
Phone: (208) 732-6288
Fax: (208) 732-6783